Monday, December 10, 2012

The Spirit Molecule

Pure Idiosyncraticness: Examining DMT and the Affects on the Human Brain
By: Brittany Hall
The air in the room gets sucked dry and all the colors become vibrant; as if they were dancing strands of light. Half of your body feels like it has been stuck with needles; while the other side is vibrating with excitement.  A humming sound fills your ears and gets louder and louder. Then you feel yourself slip out of skin and you are thrown out into the universe. A door unlike any door that you have ever seen appears to you and you fly through it with a frightening speed. As you move further away from the door, you can feel your humanity shedding off until the last layer drifts off into the continuum. A giant kaleidoscope covers your eyes and all you can see is colors interlocking and morphing together. The colors change into clouds and you don’t know if you should be rejoicing with happiness or should be shivering with fear and anticipation. Trying to grasp with this new reality of the environment that has swollen you whole; you can’t come to a conclusion of this experience as being your rebirth or your timely death. But time is enfolded here and merely does not exist. The brilliant glow of a white light covers the plane and grows brighter; as if the suns’ rays were embracing you with its fiery arms. The white light becomes so intense, that you finally realize that the light is coming within you. Then dimness softens the edges of your vision and you fall on a feathery rupture right back into your body. 
          Doctors and researchers are testing the potential of psilocybin and other hallucinogens.  Hallucinogens could possibly be used in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism. These drugs can also induce spiritual experiences. DMT is the only naturally occurring psychedelic chemical in the human brain. This research paper will explore the affects of DMT on the human mind naturally and induced; describing what DMT is and digging up the history of the psychedelic chemical.
DMT or also known as N, N-dimethyltryptamine; is found naturally in mammalian brains, also found in many different species of plants and produced naturally in the human brain. DMT is a root chemical that gives rise to many other synthetic hallucinogenic tryptamines, including psilocin, psilocybin (“magic” mushrooms) and 5-MeO-DMT ("DMT."). Dimethyltryptamine belongs in the family of compounds called the hallucinogens or psychedelics; in which includes: LSD (acid), psilocybin, and mescaline from the peyote cactus ("DMT, THE SPIRIT MOLECULE RESOURCES"). Structurally, DMT is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin and also to the hormone melatonin; in which these chemicals are produced in the pineal gland of the brain. The pineal gland is located in the central part of our brains; in which produces many important hormones. This pine cone shaped gland still remains a mystery and it isn’t certain that it makes DMT but could be responsible in causing a person to experience a psychedelic state.
           Endogenous DMT is made within the body and was first discovered in rodents. Once scientists realized the structure of DMT, it was later discovered in humans. The synthesis of endogenous DMT begins with dietary tryptophan, going through many processes until it become tryptamine; then an enzyme will attach two methyl groups to a nitrogen atom on the tryptamine, resulting in "N, N-dimethyltryptamine" ("DMT, THE SPIRIT MOLECULE RESOURCES").  Below is a picture of N, N-dimethyltryptamine ("N, N-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE (DMT)."):
Chemical Structure of DMT
DMT is made in the lung and also in the red blood cells of the human body; yet it is not known if the pineal gland actually produces DMT but the gland does contain the necessary enzymes and building blocks for DMT synthesis.
The first documented record of DMT in the history timeline was dated back in 1496 documented by Friar Ramon Pane. “Pane documented the use of psychoactive snuff called cohoba/yopo among the Taino who inhabited the island of Hispaniola Haiti/Dominican Republic ("Erowid DMT Vault : Timeline.")” The snuff came from a plant called, Anadenanthera peregrine; in which is a plant known to contain N, N- dimethyltryptamine.  Snuff and potions of the South American shamans and other indigenous people have used DMT for ritual practices and for spiritual journeys for centuries. DMT was first synthesized in 1931, by a British chemist named Richard Manske, whom named it "nigerine".  In 1956, the psychoactive effects of DMT was discovered by an Hungarian chemist and psychiatrist Stephen Szára. Szára synthesized his own DMT in the hope that he would find it to be ‘psychedelic. Szára thus became the first person to recognize the psychedelic properties of DMT; in which he injected it into himself. 
          As the awareness and usage of DMT started to spread in the psychopharmacology world and the underground chemists; three writers: William S. Burroughs, Timothy Leary, and Ralph Metzner explained the dangers of the drug; so in 1966 DMT was made illegal. Nick Sands increased the popularity of DMT for users by discovering that it could be smoked. Research on psychedelic drugs in the United States came to a halt in the 1970’s due to the Scheduling Laws, which were passed by the Congress. Almost twenty years later a psychiatrist named Rick Strassman’s received FDA approved for his clinical trials on scientific investigation into the compound, known as DMT (1990-1995). Dr. Strassman did a five year project; in which he administered 400 doses of DMT into 60 healthy patients at the University of New Mexico's School of Medicine in Albuquerque. Strassman accompanied by others; supervised these volunteers’ drug sessions to observe and collect biological and psychological data. Many of the volunteers claimed that they dissolved into a blissfulness of light and felt god-like; while some experienced the adverse effects. Strassman describes the adverse effect by, which people will be terrifying visions in which they see extraterrestrials. Due to the adverse effects caused by the drug Strassman discontinued his work and published a book in 2000 called, DMT: The Spirit Molecule.
          DMT is commonly handled and stored as a fumarate; in which is very hygroscopic and will not readily crystallize. Another property of DMT fumarate is that its freebase form is not as stable but favored by recreational users choosing to vaporize the chemical. Below is a picture of DMT crystals ("Erowid DMT Vaults : Extraction : QT's DMT Extraction Guide."):


            DMT can be taken by many different methods; the less effective way to take the drug is by oral consumption. Taking the drug orally it is easily broken down in the stomach and the drug is inhibited; so therefore the drug must be snorted, smoked or injected with. South American Indians side stepped this issue by snuffing DMT and also by brewing ayahuasca (a concoction of psychoactive infusions that is taken orally). Inhalation of 30 mg of DMT would interrupt the threshold of activity and at administration of 50-70 mg; a person is in a complete psychedelic experience. Within 5 minutes of administration there is dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, a measurable increase in blood pressure, and related vegetative disturbances which usually persist throughout the drug experience. In 10-15 minutes, the full intoxication is realized, generally characterized by hallucinations with the eyes either open or closed, and extensive movement within the visual field. There is difficulty in the expression of one's thoughts, and in concentration on a given subject. There is usually a mood change to the euphoric with unmotivated laughter, but instances have been reported in which paranoid ideation has promoted anxieties and feelings of foreboding into a state of panic. The subject is largely symptom-free at 60 minutes, although some residual effects have been seen in the second hour. With the inhalation route of administration the time scale is contracted, with onset of effects noted in 10 seconds, a short period of full intoxication at 2-3 minutes, and a complete freedom from any residual effects within 10 minutes. An unusual feature of the induced intoxication is the speed of onset and short duration; in which the drug was coined as the “the businessman's trip"("DMT THE SPIRIT MOLECULE RESOURCES"). The entire psychedelic trip can be over within 30 to 45 minutes, depending on how it was introduced into the body.
            However, DMT can be harmful to a person’s well being if not taken properly. DMT introduced into a person’s systems does cause a rapid increase in heart rate and blood pressure; very similar to the experience of doing a short full out sprint. People with heart or blood vessel disease should not try this drug due to the stress it will have on the cardiovascular system. People with gastrointestinal problems should consider not ingesting ayahuasca; in which induces vomiting and nausea for most people. People who are psychological fragile should also avoid this drug because it could have a profound effect on their well being. Nothing has been found on rather or not if DMT causes and damage to the brain.
            Since the 1970’s, DMT has belonged in the Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act;  DMT is in the same category of heroin, LSD, marijuana, mescaline, and psilocybin. “Schedule I placement means that they are defined as 1) unsafe to use; 2) have no medical use; 3) are highly abusabl ("DMT THE SPIRIT MOLECULE RESOURCES").” DMT isn’t as popular as LSD or psilocybin; yet, however ayahuasca is becoming more widely used today. The brewed drink is becoming popular with Westerners traveling to South America who take it in shamanic rituals, as well as shamans and ayahuasca-using churches making inroads into the West. DMT was popularized in American by Terence McKenna, in the early 1990’s. Terence Kemp McKenna was an American ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, researcher, teacher, lecturer and writer on many subjects; whom wanted to bring about a psychedelic revolutionary movement. Mckenna describes his first experience with DMT:
"So I did it and...there was a something, like a flower, like a chrysanthemum in orange and yellow that was sort of spinning, spinning, and then it was like I was pushed from behind and I fell through the chrysanthemum into another place that didn't seem like a state of mind, it seemed like another place. And what was going on in this place aside from the tastefully sufficed indirect lighting, and the crawling geometric hallucinations along the domed walls, what was happening was that there were a lot of beings in there, what I call self-transforming machine elves. Sort of like jeweled basketballs all dribbling their way toward me. And if they'd had faces they would have been grinning, but they didn't have faces. And they assured me that they loved me and they told me not to be amazed; not to give way to astonishment ("Descriptions of the DMT Experience.").”

DMT is a mysterious spirit molecule in which many different forms of life possesses and
yet we don’t know why this is or why it is produced in our bodies. DMT can make you into a spiritual believer awestruck by the mysteries of nature and the human mind. Brain researchers 
may object to the suggestion that DMT affects the brain's ability to receive information rather than generate those perceptions themselves. They also may dismiss the proposal that DMT can allow our brains to perceive dark matter or parallel universes, realms of existence inhabited by conscious entities (Strassman). More research is needed to learn more about DTM and how it plays an important role in our bodies and conscious’s. Maybe one day we will be able to tap into this chemical and slip into a psychedelic state mind, without the ingestion of drugs. Being able to turn off and on our psychedelic world could allow us to evolve in more spiritually, religiously, creative beings with a whole new view of our reality.
                              Crossing from 3rd dimension to the next dimension.


In Harry Potter We Trust: Exploring Biblical Symbolism in the World of Harry Potter
                                                     By: Brittany Hall
           The rising sun tickles your eyelids and caresses you into wakefulness. Suddenly, you spring out of bed and rush down the stairs at the realization that your eleventh birthday has finally arrived. Throwing the door open, you get tossed out into the day and your feet pound against the stone ground and then are embraced by the dewy, grass. Instead of going to the mail box, you look to the sky for the flash of wings; just like how your father searched, the day that he turned eleven. The clouds seemed to stand still and the sun rose higher with every second that passed. A white speck appeared above a neighbors red chimney and grew larger with every graceful stroke of the creatures’ feathery arms. The snowy owls round eyes were so close to you that you could see your eleven year old self smiling back right at you. The letter fell from the owls talons and floated with a sense of laziness into your fingertips. The feeling of old parchment sunk into your prints and your name shown boldly on the envelops face. Turning it over you see the red wax seal of your school; bearing the animals of each common room. Tearing open the letter you read, “Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry,” and you start your new life.
The magical world of Harry Potter has been read by people of all ages and has sold over 450 million copies world-wide and 6 billion from the box office; in which the series transports   HP fans into the common rooms of Hogwarts and literally spellbinds them. Some people believe that the series displays moral values; while others negatively taint the books. Some Christian leaders regard J. K. Rowlings books as being evil due to the witchcraft and magic that they exhibit. However, being open minded to the Christianity world and the magical world of Harry Potter; one can connect parallels of Biblical symbolism to the symbolism created by Rowlings fictional world.
              In the Harry Potter novels, as a whole they display worldview lessons that Christians teach and hold morally in their daily lives. One biblical teaching is the one of self sacrifice; in which in the books Lily Potter sacrifices herself to save her son, Harry. In the bible Jesus sacrifices himself on the cross for the salvation of mankind. Friendship is another teaching from the novels and the bible. J. K. Rowling displays friendship by creating the unstoppable trio (Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter) and the overall kinship of Hogwarts; in which is similar to Jesus and his apostles. Courage and loyalty are also moral teachings shown in both literatures. Almost each character in the Harry Potter series has to face their fears and “fight the good fight of the faith (1 Timothy 6:12).”
              There is also a message of anti-discrimination; in which is displayed largely in the fifth book, called Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In the fifth book, a lot of attention is focused on the effort of improving the lives of the enslaved house elves. Hermione Granger creates a student organization called S.P.E.W. - Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare - in an attempt to win rights for house-elves. The elves must be given a piece of clothing from their masters in order to be free and in an attempt to try to free the house-elves at Hogwarts, Hermione hidden articles of clothing throughout the Gryffindor dormitory. The elves were insulted and refused to clean the common room.
              In the books, Tom Riddle or more famously known as Lord Voldemort tries to purify the race of wizards and witches.  The villain’s obsession for race purity is one possibility of his downfall; in which he tries to attempt the elimination of muggles, and mudbloods. Hermione Granger considered one of the most brilliant witches of her time is often called a mudblood; which is a derogatory word for a witch or wizard of whose parents are normal humans with non-magical blood. Another downfall of Voldemort is that he did not believe in ancient magic. Ancient magic is referring to love in which was coined by Professor Dumbledore, whom is a father figure to Harry Potter and resembles God.
              The main character of Rowling’s series nonetheless is Harry Potter whom has many parallels to the Christianity figure, Jesus Christ. Potters birth is foretold by the arrival of an owl; whereas the Christmas star foretold the arrival of Christ. Both figures bear the scars of being wounded; Potter’s lightning bolt upon his forehead and the scars on Christ’s hands and feet from the nails. In their adolescent years both showed signs of magical powers. Potter was able to talk to snakes and leap from rooftops Christ give clay sparrows life. The boy who lived is linked to both worlds, the muggle world and the wizard world. Jesus Christ is linked to God and mankind. The heroes of both of these stories fight evil beings; Harry Potter suffers from the wrath of Voldemort and Christ suffers from Satan.  Both literature figures show the willingness to sacrifice themselves from the salvation of others.
              In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Potter visits his parent’s grave at Godrics Hollow. While in the graveyard Harry sees Dumbledore’s mother’s tombstone and written upon it is, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also,” (Matthew 6:21). More Christianity words can be read on the tombstone of James and Lily Potter, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death”(1 Corinthians 15:26). These are direct parallels from the world of Harry Potter to the Christianity world.
              Digging deeper into the last book of the series the biblical references become even more telling. Harry Potter is finally ready to die and he does the very deed in the last book, by letting Voldemort kill him. Potter spent three days in a coma in an all white place called the King Cross; where he encountered Professor Dumbldore. Jesus Christ also spent three days in a tomb after sacrificing himself on the cross for mankind; both were resurrected and conquered with ancient magic.
              J.K. Rowling installed many of her own beliefs into the Harry Potter series but also entwined it with many biblical symbolism and ideas. If some Christians still view these books asbeing unholy should reconsider and give the books a chance for they might be surprised at the values that it teaches and the striking similar to the most sold book in the entire world. 


 Sleeping with the Fishes: Exploring the mindfulness of a Brand New Song
                                                   By: Brittany Hall
          Music flows in the air and sweetly satisfies the left and right hemisphere of a human brain. Touching your right hemisphere so lightly are timbre and melody; while the left hemisphere receives the taste of rhythm and pitch. Music helps stimulate all various parts of the mind and can alter your mood or even transport you into a realm of imagination. Lyrics can attach themselves around our brain cells like a disease and can be trapped for several hours or even longer inside our heads. These earworms become catchy verbal lines that can hold some truth and meaningfulness in their words. Lyrics are an essential part of songs; that lets the artists express themselves and put their personal stories and meaning into them. The band Brand New wrote a song called Luca; in which they tie together personal experiences and religious beliefs into their lyrics that can be interpreted in several different ways. I believe that the song called Luca is a personal story that was written by Jesse Lacey (lead singer of Brand New); in which is intertwined with Christian beliefs.
              The first verse of Luca goes like this: “When I disappear, do you fear for the sister I took? When I disappear, it is clear I am up to no good. I am drearily blunt, letting this bed wetting cosmonaut. Son, the last thing you'll realize you need is what you've already got.” Viewing this verse religiously; it appears that Jesse Lacey is talking to God. He is thinking of all the frivolous, meaningless sex he has had with women and how it must disappoint God. Then God responds that all this pointless sex will never fill the desire that is in his heart... probably suggesting only the love of God or a woman can fill that. The sister could possibly be referring to that we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God.
          Looking at the second verse of the song, “So touch me or don't. Just let me know, where you've been.” Here God is Lacey asking where he has been after having sex. This mirrors the questions he asks Adam and Eve after their original Sin of eating the fruit of knowledge before they were banished from Eden. Lacey refuses to "touch" Him because he feels ashamed in His presence (the same way Adam feels ashamed of his nakedness in God's eyes).
            The third verse goes like this: “So drop me a line with a hook and some raw bleeding bait (one, two, three, four). For I am uncaught and still swimming alone in the lake (five, six, seven, eight). Shimmering under a moon made in anger and angst. Shimmering like a penny out of reach in the subway grate (Shimmering like a coin kept safe away, you'll never listen to anything).” Lacey views himself as a hopeless case, living out of touch with God ("swimming alone in a lake"). He pleads with God to help him to return to the righteous path, though Lacey sees little hope in his redemption, because he "never listens to anything."
            Fourth verse is very similar to the second verse and goes like this: "We could leave it alone, I'm sure there's someone who knows where you've been." Obviously, in God's omnipotence knows the truth of every sin we all commit. He is someone who always knows "where you've been." 
           The last main verse goes like this: "You never worked well with our group. Not with the faults we found. So we fixed you with cement galoshes. No one can save you now. Unless you have friends among fish. There'll still be no air to breathe. You could drink up the entire ocean. I'll still find someone to be everything we know that you'll never be.” In this line Lacey imagines his judgment at the gates of Heaven. His life of Sin is dissected and he is found unworthy. He is cast out of heaven down into the hopelessness of Hell.
            The title could also be interpreted personally on how both of the bands; TBS and Brand New were formed in New York and were inspired by the Godfather. Lacey uses the metaphor of Luca Brasi in the Godfather. In the book he is found to be a spy of sorts working for the Corleone family, and when Sollozzo finds out, Sollozzo murders Luca. Luca's body is dropped into the ocean with a pair of cement boots so he will sink. Then a dead fish is sent to the Corleone's as a message that he sleeps with the fishes ("The Godfather (1972).").  Luca derives from lux; in which means light in Latin ("Lux."). Jesse could have used the title of his song as being symbolism, as in he saw the light after leaving his first band TBS.
            The personal interpretation of this song could be about how Jesse Lacey was a part of a band called Taking Back Sunday (TBS). The lines, "When I disappear do you fear for the sister I took" is talking about how the lead singer of TBS slept with Lacey's sister. Also the bedwetting cosmonaut line is a reference to how much Brand New has matured since Lacey was with TBS. The cosmonaut part could come from Lacey’s fascination of becoming an astronaut at a young age. The lines you never worked well with our group is talking about how when Lacey was a member of TBS and how they never worked well together.
Lyrics can be interpreted in so many different ways and can connect to us personally. Some songs have more meaning to us than others and can affect our mood. Luca by Brand New, I believe tells a story of a painful betrayal that dips with melancholy but has the underlying message of rising from failure and beginning a new life. Jesse Lacey was deeply hurt by the betrayal of a friend and band member and was casted out of the band; in which he arose to the occasion and formed his own band. Lyrics are what make songs memorable but how they are interpreted depends on the individual. 


The Looking Eye of the Emotional Compass: The Dream World of the Human Mind
By: Brittany Hall
              Swirling smoke licks your skin; as your brain churns and muscles burn with rigidity, waiting with anticipation. The creature screams and your muscles slam into the ground, forcing your body into a spasmodic run. Headlong into the whit mist, enveloping a milky film over your eyes and that’s when you feel the solidity of ground no more; the nightmare has won. Waking up from dreams can be sometimes pleasant and also be terrifying. Dreams are fascinating and intriguing to mankind kind since the beginning of existence. Dreams allow one’s mind to exert power; in which allows us to create our own reality, whether it is our subconscious sending us messages or altogether another dimension. Perhaps, dreams are only the product of nerve synapses flickering on and off, while discharging leftover energy into sleep. However, some may interpret dreams as being worthless and that they are mere fragments of the brain after each passing day. Dreams allow one the freedom of exploration and gives a window into the psyche of one’s mind; in which gives one the power of personal interpretation and opens the door to opportunities of growth, understanding and the significance of dreams in the human unconscious and conscious minds.
              The English dictionary states the definition of dream as being a series of images, ideas 
emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during a certain stages of sleep. Dreaming occurs in the stage five, in the sleep cycle. In, stage five most people are experiencing rapid eye movement sleep (REM), also known as active sleep or paradoxical sleep. REM sleep is referred to as paradoxical sleep because muscles become more relaxed while the brain and body systems become more active. During this stage, there is an increase of eye movement, an increase in the respiration rate and in the brain activity. On average, it takes approximately ninety minutes before a person enters the REM stage. The REM stage can last for only a short amount of time but with each cycle becomes longer (sleep cycles through all five stages can repeat four to five times throughout the night). The repeating of the sleep cycle indicates why some people experience one or more different dreams in one night.
              Dreams can’t only occur in the fifth stage in sleeping. Dreaming can also occur during any of the sleep stages; in which dreaming in these stages is referred as non-rapid eye movement (NREM). NREM dreams don’t have the intensity of REM dreams. Brain waves are measured by an instrument called the electroencephalogram. This instrument detects alpha waves when the sleeping mind is in the REM sleep cycle and beta waves in the earlier stages of sleep.
              Even with all of the gadgets and technological advances that the world possesses, little is known about how the brain operates and what happens when it enters the dream world; brain activity varies from person to person and dreams are highly personal. Dreams coincide with memories, in which both long and short term memories are stored in the hippocampus 
region of the brain. Creams can be complete fictional but can also play out events from our waking lives’ especially if one focuses’ his/hers attention in one direction. 
              Dreams are more related to implicit memory; which is known as non-declarative or unconscious memory. In other words, they are memories that are not part of our waking consciousness but are just there. Implicit memory is separated into to categories’ procedural and semantic memories. A procedural memory is a type of long-term memory of how to perform different actions and skills; like riding a bike or tying your shoes. A semantic memory refers to the memory of meanings, understandings, and other concept-based knowledge.
              Sigmund Freud a Viennese psychiatrist describes dreams by saying, “All dreams are in a sense dreams of convenience, they help to prolong sleep instead of waking up. Dreams are the guardians of sleep and not its disturbers.” These night time visions should not be easily forgotten and should be thought upon.  In order for dreams to occur; the brain pulls out past memories and emotions; in which can be reacted out in a dream. A good way to remember one’s dreams is to record it in the morning when you wake up or even describe the dream to a friend or family member, so that way it will stay fresh in your mind. Also, by telling other people about your dream who know you well, they might be able to see the connection more clearly then you can. The realization of meaning in dreams and what you’re unconscious and conscious mind wants can take a person to the path of self actualization and allow one to make connections between reality and the dream world.